Join us for worship This sunday at 8:30 or 11am 


Our worship gatherings are normally at 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., with Sunday School at 10am for all ages; but during the Summer, we go to only one service at 10am. You can always feel free to arrive a little early and socialize with some of our members before the service begins. 

Our worship gatherings are laid-back but reverent, using a music style that is blended with traditional roots. We sing hymns with melodies written hundreds of years ago, and we sing modern worship songs. We also seek to incorporate aspects of traditional church liturgy including prayers, creeds, and confessions of faith within our services. 

"How should I dress?" whatever makes you comfortable and does not distract others from worship. We have members that wear coat-and-tie or dresses, and we have members who wear jeans, t-shirts, and sandals. We believe that what matters most is the heart attitude, not the outward appearance.

To learn more about our worship, visit our Corporate Worship page. 


  • Childcare is provided for infants & toddlers
  • Children's Training Time is offered during the sermon for children age 3-7 
  • We celebrate the Lord's Supper on the 2nd Sunday of every month


Treasure Coast Presbyterian Church
203 SW 3rd Street
Stuart, Florida 34994

Public parking available off of South Dixie Highway